Jaytoey78, 45
currently offlineLondon, United Kingdom
Would love chat and meet smoking and appreciating a cigar. Smoke on own and would love to meet cigar smokers
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My Groups(8)
Cigar Lover
114 membersA group for people who appreciate the art of cigar smoking, from novice to aficionado.
20 membersA group for those who prefer the experience of a long, full-bodied Churchill cigar.
Cigar Choice: Cuban Cigars
37 membersA group for those who appreciate the unique taste of Cuban cigars.
Cigar Choice: Dominican Repubic Cigars
29 membersA group for those who enjoy the rich, bold flavor of DR cigars.
Cigar Choice: U.S. Cigars
10 membersA group for those who appreciate the American flavor of US-made cigars.
14 membersA group for those who prefer the classic shape and size of the Corona smoke.
Corona Gorda
3 membersA group for those who prefer the slightly thicker ring of a Corona Gorda.
Corona Grande
4 membersA group for those who enjoy the longer smoke of a Corona Grande.
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